Since KNIGHTS OF THE BORROWED DARK was released in 2016, I’ve performed in over 900 schools, libraries conferences and festivals. I’ve performed in the Edinburgh Fringe, spoken at tech companies, won a Literary Death Match (exactly as much fun as it sounds) performed at a pumpkin festival for some reason, and regularly devise creative writing workshops for humans of all sizes.
School author visits are genuinely my favourite part of this job. As an English teacher, I constantly ran into the idea of ‘book kids’ and ‘non-book kids,’ and I know that no matter their reading level, no matter how afraid they might be of the written word, every kid is a story kid. Stories are in our bones and in our blood, just waiting to be brought out.
And if the cruel passage of time has catapulted you into adulthood, do not fret – I offer a host of workshops for adults too, from writing event masterclasses for nervous debut authors to Ireland's first third level creative writing module in fantasy for UCD. If you have an idea for an event, just hit me up and we can design something spectacular together.

I offer all sorts of different events, from:
- incredibly loud and Viking-ish author talks full of interactivity, writing tips, acted out scenes from KOTBD and a Q & A where the best question wins a signed copy of one of my books.
- Themed workshops like The Science of Magic, Storysmiths & Player One Go! Building A Character From Scratch
- Masterclasses for the dedicated young writer.
- Longer courses to really deep-dive into the mechanics of writing.
- Advice on how to set up gaming clubs and D & D societies in schools, which have been proven to help students with confidence, leadership, mental health and team- building. They’re also just a lot of fun.

These classes are all packed full of readings, writing advice, Q & As and convincing children that they too can spend their days in PJs writing about swords. There’s some more details at the links below, and if you have any more questions use the form on the CONTACT DAVE page.
I love coming up with new types of events so if you have any specific interests or requirements let me know and we can work something out! There are also teaching resources available for both primary and secondary schools available in the FOR TEACHERS page.
If any of this piques your fancy or if you’ve read my work and want to tell me what you think, I’d love to hear from you. You can find me through the Contact Dave page or at the social media links below.
Online reviews are critical to spreading the word. If you’ve read my books and enjoyed them, do take a moment and review or just rate on Goodreads and Amazon. I really appreciate it!